S206 - - Supplies - Additional information - Open procedure
Romania-Sibiu: Natural gas
2016/S 206-373505
Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Sibiu, B-dul Corneliu Coposu nr. 2-4, For the attention of: Mihai Lupascu, Sibiu 550245, Romania. Telephone: +40 269215050. Fax: +40 269215434. E-mail: scjsib@yahoo.com
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 17.9.2016, 2016/S 180-323400)
Natural gas
Other additional information
Information to be corrected or added in the corresponding tender documents.
For further information please refer to the relevant corresponding tender documents.
Pentru vizualizarea modificarilor / corectiilor aduse documentelor initiale in data de 20.10.2016 se va accesa detaliul anuntului original consultand www.e-licitatie.ro
TI Title Romania-Sibiu: Natural gas
ND Document number 373505-2016
PD Publication date 25/10/2016
OJ OJ S 206
AU Authority name Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Sibiu
OL Original language RO
HD Heading - - Supplies - Additional information - Open procedure
CY Country RO
AA Type of authority 8 - Other
HA EU Institution -
DS Document sent 20/10/2016
DT Deadline 09/11/2016
NC Contract 2 - Supplies
PR Procedure 1 - Open procedure
TD Document 2 - Additional information
RP Regulation 4 - European Union
TY Type of bid 1 - Submission for all lots
AC Award criteria 1 - Lowest price
PC CPV code 09123000 - Natural gas
OC Original CPV code 09123000 - Natural gas
RC NUTS code RO126